Thank you for purchasing our products. In order for us to quickly resolve your problem, we need you to give us as much information as you can. Once your information is submitted, one of our support specialists will give you the best recommendation for your problem.
Prior to contacting us, we recommend that you download the latest software update from our suppliers and check out the troubleshooting tips from their web site. Please go to PRODUCTS page. In many situations, your problem might be resolved.
You can contact us by email at Or you can contact us by phone at (852) 2375 3888. When contacting us, please provide the followings:
- Contact Information: Your name and company, phone and fax numbers, email address.
- Product Information: Product name, model and serial number, date and store of purchase
- Computer Information: CPU model, operating system, RAM size, computer hardwares, error messages and other detail description of problems encountered.